Buddha , Chiang Mai

Buddha , Chiang Mai
New Year"s Eve in BKK

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 7 & 8 – Travel to Si Phan Don, Laos/ Exploring the Island

Lao's Southern Border with Cambodia
Paradise in Laos!

After 10 grueling hours of travel along dusty roads in remote parts of Cambodia and Laos, we checked into a hut ($26) with a view of the Mekong River – pure paradise! We had a hot meal on the Mekong and hit the hay at 7:30 PM. 

En Route to Paradise!

Exploring Don Khon/Don Det

The day started with 2 Advil, a shot if DayQuil and my first dose of Cipro. Not sure if was my first Lao meal or a bug I caught on the plane a week ago getting worse, but I was definitely did not feel a 100%. But that did not deter me from exploring Don Khon & Don Det. 

Water Buffalo, Mekong River, Laos

We rented bikes for the day ($1) and peddled through rice paddies, water buffalo, farmers and swaying palm trees. We ended the day on the “sunset” side of Don Det for a beer

It's Beer Lao Time!


  1. This travel blog is great....Silk Worms Really???
    Happy Holidays to you and Maya

  2. I can't believe you ate those giant crickets. They look like prime sriracha candidates. You guys missed an epic blizzard, the likes of which even my parents hadn't seen in NYC. Cars abandoned all over the place. Most streets unplowed 24 hrs later. Should make your trip even sweeter. Looking forward to your next post!
